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Re: PDFs that read one word per line


From: deblist
Date: Jan 28, 2010 7:51AM

Chuck wrote:

> How accessible is Open Office for Screen readers?

I can't speak to OpenOffice's accessibility with screen readers,
but I can say something about its accessibility with dictation.
Given the limitations of being written not natively for Windows,
OpenOffice has been a pretty decent job. As of last time I used
it, there were keyboard substitutions for everything I wanted to
do. However, since it's not written natively for Windows, I don't
have direct access to seeing the menus. For example, I can't just
say "File," and get the file menu.

As of Firefox 3, I know Mozilla Firefox has addressed some of
these problems, but I admit I'm not sure if technologically how,
so I don't know if the OpenOffice people could use the same

So my take away is that OpenOffice is accessible, but not as
conveniently written to interact with NaturallySpeaking.
