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Re: Resize text buttons
From: Randall Pope
Date: Jan 8, 2009 9:15AM
- Next message: Peter Krantz: "Re: Resize text buttons"
- Previous message: Aaron Cannon: "Re: Accessibility of Google tools"
- Next message in Thread: Peter Krantz: "Re: Resize text buttons"
- Previous message in Thread: Paul Collins: "Re: Resize text buttons"
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Hello Paul,
Posting a simple instruction on using the browser setting would be an ideal
world but in reality that would not work for those who cannot understand
simple technical instruction, not to mention the visual language issues such
as sign language. I have been getting requests for sign language videos to
interpret the content of the page which is their native language. Many
people of the Deaf community fall into this group, not to mention the low
vision DeafBlind people.
Being a low vision DeafBlind person myself, I would rather have the choice
of page size and color background on the webpage instead of using the
browser. Often the browser choice does not work for me. A good example is
Facebook at http://m.facebook.com which does a better job than the Foxfire's
browser "no style" setting. In this case the Facebook team decided to use
another domain name to address the low vision issues and using their own CSS
style instead of letting the browser determined the visual looks of the
Another thought: Having the font resizing and background color preference on
the webpage itself will also give the webmaster or designer more control to
match the viewers preference.
Hope this helps
With Warm Regards,
Randall "Randy" Pope
American Association of the Deaf-Blind
Website: http://www.aadb.org
301 495-4402 VP/TTY
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- Next message: Peter Krantz: "Re: Resize text buttons"
- Previous message: Aaron Cannon: "Re: Accessibility of Google tools"
- Next message in Thread: Peter Krantz: "Re: Resize text buttons"
- Previous message in Thread: Paul Collins: "Re: Resize text buttons"
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