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Re: PDFs that read one word per line


From: Geoff Freed
Date: Jan 27, 2010 7:15PM

One further point about creating properly structured source documents using a word processor: use OpenOffice rather than Word. It overcomes the biggest obstacles with using Word to create PDF sources:

1. It works on both Mac and Windows
2. You can add alt to images on Mac (and Windows, of course), saving the time of doing it in Acrobat
3. You can completely tag data tables, saving the time of finishing them in Acrobat
4. The tags are always accurate
5. There are no plug-ins or add-ons to download

Point #2 alone is worth the brief time it takes to download and install the software. It's also free: http://www.openoffice.org/ . I stopped using Word --> PDF over a year ago and have had few, if any problems.

Geoff Freed