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ACM ASSETS Conference: Call for Papers


From: Dianne V Pawluk
Date: Mar 5, 2013 9:19AM

Please note that a plain text version of this announcement is available in
the attached file.


ACM SIG-ACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS-2013)
[Bellevue, Washington, USA | 19-24, October, 2013.]


The ASSETS conference explores the design, evaluation, and use of computing
and information technologies to benefit people with disabilities and older
adults. ASSETS is the premier forum for presenting innovative research on
mainstream and specialized assistive technologies, accessible computing,
and assistive applications of computer, network, and information. New this
year is the submission category of Experience Reports, where users of
assistive technology write about their experience with the technology.
ASSETS is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and
its SIGACCESS Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing. The single
track and friendly atmosphere make ASSETS the ideal venue to meet
researchers, practitioners, developers and policymakers to exchange ideas,
share information and make new contacts.


High quality, original submissions are invited on computer and
accessibility topics relevant to:

· People with hearing disabilities

· People with visual disabilities

· People with motor disabilities

· People with memory or cognitive disabilities

· Older adults who may become disabled

· Professionals or others who provide direct or remote support

Submissions should present novel ideas, techniques, systems, tools,
evaluations, scientific investigations, methodologies, social issues or
policy issues. Topics include, but are not limited to:

· Designing for accessibility and universal design

· Evaluation of accessibility

· Studies on technology use and acceptance by people with

· First-hand reports of user experience with technologies

· Web accessibility

· Mobile and personal technologies

· Designs supporting communication and information access

· Teaching and learning technologies for students with disabilities

· Alternative input systems for people with disabilities

· Navigation and wayfinding assistance

· Non-visual presentation of information

Where relevant, work that includes empirical data from the target user
group is strongly preferred.

Submission Procedures

ASSETS accepts submissions in the following categories:

· Technical papers

· Posters

· Demonstrations

· Experience Reports

· Doctoral Consortium

· Student Research Competition

· Captioning Competition

All contributions are peer-reviewed by an international Program Committee.
Accepted papers, posters, demonstrations and experience reports will be
archived in the ACM digital library. At least one author of accepted
submissions must register as the presenter by the early registration
deadline. Submissions MUST contain substantial original, unpublished
material. Please refer to the ACM policy on plagiarism for guidance.

Mentoring Requests: Help with submissions by seasoned researchers is
available through the ASSETS Mentoring Program. If you think you would
benefit from mentoring either because you are new to presenting your
research, new to the type of category you are interested in submitting to
or simply find that preparing English language papers foreign to your paper
writing experience, please consider applying for mentoring help by emailing
the Mentor Chair ( <EMAIL REMOVED> ) a 1-page extended abstract of your

Technical Papers: Accepted technical papers will be presented at the
conference and will appear in the conference proceedings. Authors of the
best papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue
of the ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS). Papers must be
a maximum of 8 pages long, in the ACM conference format. They should be
submitted electronically via the conference Web site no later than 3 May
2013, Friday, midnight HAST (GMT-10.00).

Posters and Demonstrations: The Poster and Demonstration Session is an
opportunity for presenting late-breaking results, ongoing research
projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress. A poster is a
great way to test new ideas, generate interest in a research area, or
describe useful or interesting work that is not substantial enough for a
full paper presentation or present late-breaking result. A demonstration is
a great way to communicate inventive accessible computing and IT
technologies in action. Posters and demonstration proposals should be
submitted using the ACM Conference format, and they are limited in length
to 2 pages. They should be submitted electronically via the conference Web
site no later than 28 June 2013, Friday, midnight HAST (GMT-10.00).

Experience Reports: The value of accessible technology is measured
ultimately by the experience of people who use it. ASSETS 2013 invites
papers that reflect these experiences first-hand. An experience report is
authored or co-authored by one or more persons who are in the intended
audience for the technology discussed in the report. It describes these
authors’ experience with the technology, positive or negative (and may
describe the experience of other users, as well). Posters and
demonstration proposals should be submitted using the ACM Conference
format, and they are limited in length to 6 pages. They should be
submitted electronically via the conference Web site no later than 28 June
2013, Friday, midnight HAST (GMT-10.00).

Doctoral Consortium: The Doctoral Consortium provides doctoral students the
opportunity to share and discuss their research with other students and a
panel of established researchers (led by Dr. Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech)
who will provide feedback on all aspects of the students’ research. The
consortium will be held on Sunday October 20, 2013. Please note that the
Doctoral Consortium Is intended to provide feedback to Doctoral candidates
in the early stages of their work: student work that is complete or near
completion should be submitted to the regular presentation/poster
sessions. We hope to provide travel support for those students selected
for the consortium. Submission requirements are stated on the conference
website. The submission deadline is June 28, 2013.

Student Research Competition: The Student Research Competition provides
both undergraduate and graduate students a chance to present their
individual research and win awards for their work. Only individual
research is accepted: group research projects will not be considered unless
only the individual’s part in it is presented. Preference will be given
to work that has been completed (or close to completion). Participants
must be currently enrolled in a university or college and have active ACM
student membership. Work accepted as a full paper for one of the technical
sessions of the conference cannot also be considered for the Student
Research Competition. Abstracts for the initial stage of the competition
should be submitted using the ACM Conference format, and they are limited
in length to 2 pages. They should be submitted electronically via the
conference Web site no later than 28 June 2013, Friday, midnight HAST
(GMT-10.00). Further details about the subsequent competition stages are
given on the conference website.

Captioning Competition: T o prepare for possible capture of sessions at
future ASSETS conferences for later use, we want to explore approaches to
captioning recordings of sessions. Because this is an active area of
research for a number of groups in the ASSETS community, we invite
participants for a competition to be held at ASSETS 2013 in which teams
will use their technology to caption one or more of the sessions. Our aim
is to promote research that will make it possible for ASSETS, and other
organizations, to create captions of good quality at very low cost. If you
are interested in participating, please contact the Captioning Competition
Chair, Raja Kushalnalgar, at <EMAIL REMOVED> .


The following awards will be made at ASSETS 2013 from those papers
appearing in the ASSETS conference proceedings:

· Best Technical Paper

· Best Student paper (to be considered a student paper, the student
must be the first author)

The selection process for these papers is based on the technical paper
reviews from which the Program Chair selects a shortlist of best paper
candidates. These are discussed and reviewed by a selection committee
drawn from the program committee. Membership on this selection committee is
limited to those who have no conflict of interest with the shortlisted
papers. Recipients of the best paper awards will be presented with a
certificate from ACM at the conference.

Important Dates

· Requesting mentors: March 5, 2013, Tuesday

· Technical paper submission: May 3, 2013, Friday

· Notification of technical paper acceptance: June 14, 2013, Friday

· Posters and demos submission: June 28, 2013, Friday

· Experience Report submission: June 28, 2013, Friday

· Doctoral consortium submission: June 28, 2013, Friday

· Student research competition submission: June 28, 2013, Friday

· Notification of posters and demos acceptance: July 24, 2013,

· Notification of experience reports acceptance: July 24, 2013,

· Notification of doctoral consortium acceptance: July 24, 2013,

· Notification of student research competition acceptance: July 24,
2013, Wednesday

Organizing Committee
General Chair

Clayton Lewis, University of Colorado, USA
Program Chair

Richard Ladner, University of Washington, USA
Program Chair Select

John Richards, IBM, USA
Treasurer and Registration Chair

Faustina Hwang, University of Reading, UK
Posters and Demonstrations Chair

Jinjuan Feng, Towson University, USA
Experience Reports Chair

Annalu Waller, University of Dundee, UK
Doctoral Consortium Chair

Gregory Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Student Research Competition Chair

Ornella Mich, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Mentoring Chair

Joshua Hailpern, Hewlett Packard, USA
Local Arrangements Chair

Merrie Morris & Annuska Perkins, Microsoft, USA
Logistics Chair

Barbara Morris, UMBC, USA
Accessibility Chair/ Captioning Competition Chair

Raja Kushalnagar, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA & Amanda Stent,
Web Chair

Tiago Guerreiro, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Student Volunteers Chair

Shiri Azenkot, University of Washington, USA
Publicity Chair

Dianne Pawluk, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA