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RE: Next and Previous Accesskey


From: John Foliot
Date: Oct 6, 2003 2:15PM

> We decided to use numbers rather than letters, to minimize conflicts with
> browsers and screen-readers, and avoid language dependencies.


Are you aware that these "Accesskeys" currently conflict with "reserved"
keystroke combinations in at least two adaptive technology programs? For
example, in IBM's HomePage Reader Alt + 1 starts "Heading reading mode"
(reading only the headings on a page) whereas the entire range of numbers
(Alt+1 through Alt+0) are "Reserved for User-defined windows" in GW Micro's
WindowEyes. Remember as well, that with a program such as WindowEyes these
keystrokes are available for more than just web surfing; they interact with
any and all programs on the installed computer, allowing visually impaired
users to operate word processors, spread sheet applications, etc. Given
that fact, the program will over-ride any Accesskey you may have specified
in your (x)HTML... rendering the operation non-functional - in other words

One other thought to consider is how often do you anticipate repeat
visitors, especially those who will bother enough to learn "your" standard
implementation of Accesskeys? For while it may be "standard" on your
site(s), the use of Accesskeys is non-standard across the entire web. Will
visitors truly stop to learn (i.e. commit to memory) your Accesskeys on your
site? To me it's a big stretch... (although I have not seen your site nor
know anything about your user base).

After researching the entire Accesskey "situation" in the summer of 2002, we
put forth a recommendation to the Canadian Federal Government's web
standards panel to *NOT* attempt to implement Accesskeys, which after
deliberation they agreed to. See:
http://www.cio-dpi.gc.ca/clf-upe/6/skip_e.asp and

"Following the identification of a conflict between the Access keys
previously recommended on the CLF Web site for site navigation on GoC web
sites, and the proprietary assignment of access keys being used in
commercially available software, e.g. speech enabled Web browsers, the CLF
Access Working Group has made the following recommendations for amendment to
the CLF best practices:

1. The use of Access Keys M, 1 and 2 be eliminated, and the use of any
other access keys is discouraged because there is no way of knowing which
access keys conflict with any assistive technology or other applications
installed and running on users' desktops...."

For more info on the Accesskey issues, see also:

Web Accessibility Specialist / Co-founder of WATS.ca
Web Accessibility Testing and Services
http://www.wats.ca 1.866.932.4878 (North America)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eoin Campbell [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
> Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 11:25 AM
> Subject: Re: Next and Previous Accesskey
> Hi Randy,
> I would be very interested in any articles on recommended
> ACCESSKEY attribute
> assignments. Could you post the links?
> Specificaly on your question, I'm not sure that accesskeys are
> necessary at all
> for Next and Previous page, since browsers support this
> navigation by default.
> We defined our own 'standard' keys, which we have implemented on a number
> of client sites, mostly Irish Public Sector organisations. It
> would be nice
> to have a near-universal accesskey standard that was language-,
> website-, browser-
> and screen-reader independent.
> We decided to use numbers rather than letters, to minimise conflicts with
> browsers and screen-readers, and avoid language dependencies.
> Here is the set of key assignments we came up with:
> Access key 1 - Home page
> Access key 2 - About us
> Access key 3 - Events
> Access key 4 - Frequently Asked Questions
> Access key 5 - Site Map
> Access key 6 - Contact points
> Access key 7 - Search
> Access key 8 - Skip to side navigation bar
> Access key 9 - Skip to content
> Access key 0 - Accessibility statement
> Using numbers has the disadvantage that you cannot highlight them
> within the
> text of the link on screen (e.g. <a href="/"><span
> style="text-decoration: underline">H</span>ome</a>).
> Some of the pages/links are (or should be) present on every
> website, so it would
> be nice if universal accesskeys were defined.
> At 23:01 04/10/2003 -0600, Randy Pearson wrote:
> >I've read some online articles about standard ACCESSKEY
> assignments. For an
> >on-line magazine or book, or perhaps a search results situation, where
> >content is delivered in individual pages, and Next/Previous navigation is
> >important, are there any "standard" ACCESSKEY assignments recommended for
> >these 2 functions?
> >
> >It seems like you could use "N" for Next and "P" for Previous,
> but that is
> >English-only, and using any letters can conflict with other
> expected browser
> >functionality. I could randomly pick unused numbers on our site
> (say 5 and
> >6), but would rather go with something standard, even if a fledgling
> >standard.
> --
> Eoin Campbell, Technical Director, XML Workshop Ltd,
> 10 Greenmount Industrial Estate, Harolds Cross, Dublin 12, IRELAND.
> Phone: +353 1 4547811; Fax: +353 1 4496299
> Web: http://www.xmlw.ie
> YAWC Online: http://www.yawconline.com/
> YAWC Pro: http://www.yawcpro.com/
> ----
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