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RE: Accessible forms question


From: Jim Thatcher
Date: May 31, 2005 7:53AM

Melody Brownell:
> Question: How do I associate the label with three different
> text fields so that the user knows there are three parts to
> filling in their SS number?

Patrick Lauke:
You can't. You'll need to put a fieldset with appropriate legend
around the three inputs, and ideally have a label (or, failing that,
at least a title) for each of these inputs.

The social security number in three parts or US zip+4 codes in two parts are
typical of a situation where visual layout replaces on-screen text for
labeling. Use the title attribute on each input element, like title="SSN
Part 1", title="SSN Part 2" and title="SSN Part 3". Have a client side
script that checks the sizes rather burdening the listener - Note that the
sighted user isn't informed about the sizes of the three parts.


Accessibility Consulting: http://jimthatcher.com/