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Re: How does a Screen Reader work?


From: tedd
Date: Mar 5, 2007 6:40AM

>Hi Tedd,
>I recommend tracking down some blind users in your area and actually
>hanging out with them for a bit and observing them use the screen
>reader. This could be a powerful experience for you, especially if they
>are power users with great speed and efficiency, and are fluent with the
>application. As far as downloading JAWS et al yourself and having a go -
>I daresay that at this point you will find it a more frustrating
>experience than anything else. If you are not familiar with the modality
>of screen reader interaction at all, I actually would not recommend it
>_until_ you have a better idea of what is going on.

Great idea. I wonder if there is a way to do this via the net. Are
there any blind readers on this list?

>That may get some peoples hackles up on the list - but I say this
>because screen readers are complex applications and going in to test
>your websites could be a disaster as you may not know if you are doing
>something wrong with the screen reader, or is it your code, you may not
>even know how to recognise what is right or wrong (??)

It's good to exercise one's hackles every once in a while.

>So it may be a more existential experience than a practical evidence
>gathering one.

I agree, one can write better accounting software if you know
something about accounting.


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