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Re: Accessible alternative for antispam


From: Gareth Dart
Date: Mar 6, 2007 10:50AM

Email based registration is quite secure against spambots as, like decoding a captcha or a sound file, it requires a reasonably sophisticated script to get around it. If someone (maybe as part of a denial of service attack aimed at your organisation) is willing to put the time and resources into attacking your login page, though, then it comes down to a cleverness match between your script and theirs, and they have the advantage in that they don't have to keep valid users happy and serviced.

With regard to not having a sound card: I think we all know the old saw about what happens when one assumes, but I always assume that if users can't read things, they can listen to them, and would appreciate not having to wait for an email. Visually impaired users will most likely ensure that they have a sound card/screenreader etc. If they are hearing impaired, aswell, then, yes, email registration is probably a better bet. One could offer both - but then one opens oneself up to possible spamming via two routes. It's a trade off, basically.