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Re: How does a Screen Reader work?
From: Travis Roth
Date: Mar 7, 2007 11:00AM
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Tedd wrote:
"However, what I can do is to use FLASH to deliver the sound without
refreshing. It works for sighted users who can find the icon, but I
don't know how a blind user could "click the icon" as provided here:
Yes, this Flash is not accessible. It is possible to make buttons in Flash
that are acessible. I am not a Flash developer though so I cannot help you
with specifics.
Also it may be possible to use HTML links that use JavaScript to control the
Travis Roth
Production Manager
TecAccess, LLC
(804) 749-8646 (office)
(402) 466-0907 (direct)
Experts in Section 508 Compliance & Accessibility
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- Next message: Travis Roth: "Re: How does a Screen Reader work?"
- Previous message: Robert Yonaitis: "Re: lift and complex tables"
- Next message in Thread: Travis Roth: "Re: How does a Screen Reader work?"
- Previous message in Thread: Tim Beadle: "Re: How does a Screen Reader work?"
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