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Re: SharePoint V3.0 and accessibility
From: Cheryl D Wise
Date: Mar 8, 2007 6:40PM
- Next message: Roberto Modica: "Re: Accessible Web forms ASP and MSAccess"
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- Previous message in Thread: Robert Yonaitis: "Re: SharePoint V3.0 and accessibility"
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It is better than earlier version primarily because it uses ASP.NET 2.0
which generates much better output than ASP.NET 1.0 or 1.1. Though in my
opinion it has a long way still to go. There were a few people using screen
readers with it the beta I was in but it really comes down to who is
creating and managing the webparts.
Cheryl D Wise
MS MVP FrontPage
Now registering for our April session at http://starttoweb.com
CSS, Expression Web offered this session
- Next message: Roberto Modica: "Re: Accessible Web forms ASP and MSAccess"
- Previous message: Carla Hawks: "Accessible Web forms ASP and MSAccess"
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- Previous message in Thread: Robert Yonaitis: "Re: SharePoint V3.0 and accessibility"
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