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Re: Suppressing visibility of "invisible" frames?
From: Jared Smith
Date: Mar 12, 2007 10:10AM
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On 3/11/07, Bergel, Marguerite < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Is there a way to suppress visibility of frames that are supposed to be
> invisible but aren't to JAWS/Window Eyes? E.g. is there an alt=""
> equivalent for frames? I've done some preliminary research, but haven't
> come up with anything.
There is the title attribute which should describe the content or
function of each frame - http://webaim.org/techniques/frames/ However,
screen readers expect each frame to contain content, so if the title
is left off or is empty (title=""), the screen reader still identifies
the frame by using the frame name, document title, document file name,
or something else. So, there really isn't a good method of hiding the
frame from screen readers.
You should, however, give the frame a title such as title="empty
frame" or something similar so the user doesn't try to navigate
through it.
CSS (display:none or visibility:hidden) might work if applied to the
frame itself.
Another option is to move the frame functionality to an iframe.
Jared Smith
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