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Re: Label vs ALT tag on form elements
From: Moore, Michael
Date: Mar 23, 2007 7:00AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Keith Parks: "Re: Label vs ALT tag on form elements"
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To clarify. I tested label, title, and alt with the following results.
Label using for and id attributes correctly:
JAWS 6.1 Reported Correctly
ZoomText Reader Failed on mousover but succeeded when input was
selected. This was slightly different behavior than I have seen on
previous experiments and in live application testing.
Title attribute on input - no label present
JAWS 6.1 Reported Correctly
ZoomText 9.0 Reader Reported Correctly
Alt attribute on input - no label present
JAWS 6.1 Failed
ZoomText 9.0 Failed
Conclusions: Best practice, use both label and title. Alt attribute is
not reported by the assistive technology tested, thus use would be
marginally beneficial at best, assuming that you found a user agent that
would report the value of the attribute. Obviously, my quick experiment
was not exhaustive.
Code follows:
<h1>Test Form</h1>
<form action="" method="get">
<label for="t1">Can you see me now</label>
<input id="t1" type="text" size="40" />
<input id="t2" type="text" size="40" title="can you see me now" />
<input id="t3" type="text" size="40" alt="can you see me now" />
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- Previous message in Thread: Keith Parks: "Re: Label vs ALT tag on form elements"
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