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Re: Accessible IM Programs that can talk to others on different services - XMPP Compliant Client programs that are accessible as well
From: Joshue O Connor
Date: Mar 23, 2007 7:50AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Michael R. Burks: "Re: Accessible IM Programs that can talk to otherson different services - XMPP Compliant Client programs thatare accessible as well"
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Hi Michael,
Does Jabber use the protocol (XMPP)?
Some visually impaired Mac users recommend using iChat with a Jabber
Michael R. Burks wrote:
> I do not know how many people have heard of XMPP.
> Basically it is a protocol for among other things, allowing IMs to pass
> between different services
> The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is the IETF's
> formalization of the base XML streaming protocols for instant messaging and
> presence developed within the Jabber community starting in 1999.
> - from http://www.xmpp.org/summary.html
> I am wondering if anyone knows of IM clients that are both accessible and
> adhere to this protocol?
> It think it is going to take off big time and accessibility is going to be a
> major issue with these clients.
> Mike Burks
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- Previous message in Thread: Michael R. Burks: "Re: Accessible IM Programs that can talk to otherson different services - XMPP Compliant Client programs thatare accessible as well"
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