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Color contrast in links -- is it important?
From: tedd
Date: Apr 20, 2007 10:50AM
- Next message: Cheryl D Wise: "Re: Color contrast in links -- is it important?"
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- Previous message in Thread: Phil Teare: "Re: Color contrast in links -- is it important?"
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Hi gang:
Question for the day: Color contrast in links -- is it important?
Now before everyone jumps on the bandwagon and tells me why contrast
is important, does anyone really have problems with the color
contrast of links? Remember there are four states of a link and if it
matters, then each link has to be evaluated for contrast in each
state (link, visited, active, hover).
So, what say you?
http://sperling.com http://ancientstones.com http://earthstones.com
- Next message: Cheryl D Wise: "Re: Color contrast in links -- is it important?"
- Previous message: Phil Teare: "Re: Color contrast in links -- is it important?"
- Next message in Thread: Cheryl D Wise: "Re: Color contrast in links -- is it important?"
- Previous message in Thread: Phil Teare: "Re: Color contrast in links -- is it important?"
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