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Re: Web accessiblity and barriers examples
From: Shadi Abou-Zahra
Date: May 31, 2007 1:50AM
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Note that the WAI Before and After Demonstration is still a draft and
incomplete. It may serve the purpose of demonstrating a working example,
but the source code is still quite rough and may contain errors. We are
working on improving the Demo and will announce it once it is ready.
Barthofer Michael wrote:
> hello
> W3C/WAI offers sample pages of an inaccessible website, that demonstrates accessibility barriers, an accessible version of the same site and an evaluation of the inaccessible site.
> http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2005/Demo/Overview
> yours
> michael
> -----UrsprĂĽngliche Nachricht-----
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007 09:24
> Betreff: [WebAIM] Web accessiblity and barriers examples
> Hello,
> is there any website that show example of web accessibilities and barriers? for example I can find many website that use fixed font that cannot be increase by view > text size option. so i can show that as an example and comparing with those accessible website that allowed text size control.
> what am trying to do is collecting example to make prove, it is not enough to say that layout designed by table element may cause problem for screen readers, I must have example for my student to show them how and what problem it cause.
> so it'll be great if i would have example of all possible barriers.
> if there is any such website with examples let me know please.
> Akram Danish
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