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Re: seeking more clarification on skip links requirement


From: Mark Rew
Date: Mar 4, 2002 10:35AM


The second skip navigation link is not necessary to meet the Section 508 requirement. It does not sound like the second skip link will be useful at all. What could be handy is a accesskey to jump to the list of links on the right side that is different on each page. This may be a place that the user needs for navigating the unique items of the page.

----- Original Message -----
From: Leo Smith
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 12:05 PM
Subject: seeking more clarification on skip links requirement

Hi Folks,

I had another question regarding "skip links"

The 508 standard says:

"A method shall be provided that permits users to skip *repetitive* navigation links."
My question is this: is the standard only referring to repetitive navigational elements (as it states), or to long lists of links generally, whether repetitive or not.
For instance, on the pages that I have been developing, the header has a repetitive list of links and a method is provided to skip over them and go to the main content. I then have a right-side list of links on these pages, but these links are different across pages (that is, the list is not identical across pages, and in most cases is very different). This right side list of links is presented after the main content when the page is linearized.
At present, I have added a second "skip links" for these right side lists, but the only place to skip to is to images (added to the page for extra visual impact) or the information in the footer (address, etc). Having this second "skip links" go back to the main content wouldn't seem to make any sense, as the user has just been there.
So, is it really necessary in this case to provide a second skip links to meet the 508 requirement?

Leo Smith
Web Designer/Developer
USM Offic