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Re: Scaleable fonts for Priority 2 WAI guidelines


From: Steve Green
Date: May 14, 2008 8:50AM

WCAG 2.0 has not been officially released. It is merely a Candidate
Recommendation, and won't become a Proposed Recommendation till 31 August
2008. There will be a further delay before it reaches the final stage and
becaomes a W3C Recommendation.

In all probability it won't change much between now and then but it reached
Candidate Recommendation status before about two years ago, after which it
was substantially rewritten.

By all means learn about WCAG 2.0 but it's premature to be talking about
implementing it. From our perspective as accessibility testers it is
possible (or even likely) that modifications will be needed to the tools
that we rely on for efficient working (I'm talking about things like the
Accessibility Toolbar, not online services like Cynthia), and it's anyone's
guess when those modifications will be implemented.

Also there's absolutely no reason to adopt WCAG 2.0 in the short term - it's
not a better, just different. The people we are designing for haven't
changed at all, and their needs are more important than a badge.
