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Re: Foreign:Re: Making a grid of divs appear as a "table"


From: brian
Date: Jun 18, 2008 3:10PM

In addition to the suggestions before and below, may I assume you are
familiar with the CSS concepts of assigning a width to a division then
using margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; ? That way your division
contents will not vary even if the screen dimensions do. Or at least
that's the idea -- depending on what you put in the div, MicroSoft may
render it differently than other browsers.

Which leads to the other caution that if you intend your page to appear
for the general web, you might want to try it on a few browsers and screen
sizes (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera).


Grnadpa Brian Case

> I would just like to add that the only way of getting assistive
> technology, specifically screen readers, to properly report row and
> column headers, which seems to be your intent, is to use table markup,
> with row and column headers defined in the code.
> Mike
> <snip>
> I'm a little unsure what you're trying to achieve below, however, one
> thing I will say is that if you have a wadge of tabular data to display,
> then use a table. Don't make the mistake (as many people do, with the
> noblest intentions) of confusing the tenet 'tables should not be used
> for page layout' with 'tables should not be used full stop'. Tables can
> and should be used when they are the appropriate tool for the job, and
> it sounds like they are for your purposes.
> Gareth Dart

> All week, I have been trying to create a cross-browser grid with a
> fixed, scrolling header.
> While I have come up with a javascript-assisted "fluid width" version
> that is pretty good,