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Re: onchange javascript event in auto dropdown box


From: Aaron Cannon
Date: Jul 9, 2008 2:30PM

A coworker and I recently devised a way to make a slightly more accessible version of the onchange dropdown navigation box. Basically, using javascript, we determine whether they are using their mouse or the keyboard to select each item in the list. If they used the mouse, it works as usual, immediately taking them to the selected page. If however the selection was made by the keyboard, we display a spinner and delay x number of seconds. If the user doesn't make another selection within that time, they are taken to the page they selected. If they do, the clock is restarted.

Clearly this solution is not perfect, and you would be better off avoiding the problem entirely, but it does make things a little better in my view, though I would be very interested in hearing everyone's thoughts.
