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Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units
From: Austin, Darrel
Date: Aug 14, 2008 12:00PM
- Next message: Austin, Darrel: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
- Previous message: Wolf, Jan: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
- Next message in Thread: Austin, Darrel: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
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> I have a hard time making
> the case to our programmers that they should continue to use
> fonts.
As developers, they have absolutely no idea:
a) what the end-user's browser viewport size it
b) what their OS font size settings/preferences are
c) what their web browser font size settings are
d) what fonts they have installed
e) if they use user-CSS
So, the zoom really has nothing to do with it. If they aren't
accommodating variable font sizes, then they aren't designing good web
UIs to begin with.
It's not HARDER to accommodate variable font sizing, it's just DIFFERENT
compared to traditional desktop application UI design.
- Next message: Austin, Darrel: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
- Previous message: Wolf, Jan: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
- Next message in Thread: Austin, Darrel: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
- Previous message in Thread: Wolf, Jan: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
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