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Adobe Captivate
From: Greg Pisocky
Date: Aug 15, 2008 9:50AM
- Next message: Claudia Alden Case: "Re: Testing accessibility"
- Previous message: Wolf, Jan: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
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- Previous message in Thread: Theresa Hansen: "Adobe Captivate"
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Apologies if this has made it before. To answer Theresa Hansen's
question regarding Adobe Captivate
Information concerning the accessibility of Adobe Captivate can be found
on the accessibility website for Captivate at
Its conformance to Section 508 is documented in the VPAT at
Greg Pisocky
Accessibility Specialist
Adobe Systems Incorporated
8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1000
McLean, VA 22102 USA
703.883.2810p, 703.883.2850f
- Next message: Claudia Alden Case: "Re: Testing accessibility"
- Previous message: Wolf, Jan: "Re: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units"
- Next message in Thread: None
- Previous message in Thread: Theresa Hansen: "Adobe Captivate"
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