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Re: Math Online: Images or MathML?


From: M.Cooper
Date: Aug 19, 2008 3:30PM


I am afraid there is not a simple answer to your question. Apart from
the technical screen-reader access issue it depends in part how the
MathML is authored - whether content or presentation mark-up is used.
The complexity of the Math will impact on the degree to which these
issues fundamentally affect access to the Math. Also of great
significance is what has been the past background of the people seeking
screen-reader access. I.E what are there skills in interpreting maths
rendered in different ways?

For a recent paper discussing these issues see:

Cooper, M., Lowe, T., Taylor, M., Access to mathematics in web resources
for people with a visual impairment: considerations and developments in
an open and distance learning context, Proc. International Conference on
Computers Helping People, K. Miesenberger et al. (Eds.): ICCHP 2008,
LNCS 5105, pp. 926-933, Linz, Austria, 2008



Martyn Cooper
Head: Accessibility in Educational Media team
Institute of Educational Technology
Open University, UK

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