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Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms
From: Jukka K. Korpela
Date: Oct 9, 2008 1:40PM
- Next message: Andy Mabbett: "Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms"
- Previous message: Dean Hamack: "Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms"
- Next message in Thread: Andy Mabbett: "Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms"
- Previous message in Thread: Dean Hamack: "Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms"
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Dean Hamack wrote:
>> I wonder why nobody has mentioned the approach of using an image,
>> e.g.
>> <label><img alt="Required:" src="star.gif"> Email-address:</label>
> I can't speak for anyone else, but personally, I try to use as few
> images as possible to cut down the number of http requests, and I
> don't use hardcoded images in my html unless it's absolutely
> necessary.
I don't think that can be a serious objection to using an approach that
seems to be the best for accessibility, usability, and graphic quality.
(Admittedly, it does not work that well for very large font sizes, and
scaling images according to font size is somewhat questionable graphically.)
One HTTP request can't matter that much. Many high-traffic sites do several
HTTP requests before the server even starts sending the page proper. (I mean
things like multiple HTTP redirections.) Compared to that, one extra request
per visit to a site can't matter much. (There's only one request per visit
since when the image is repeated, it will be picked up from browser cache.)
Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
- Next message: Andy Mabbett: "Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms"
- Previous message: Dean Hamack: "Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms"
- Next message in Thread: Andy Mabbett: "Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms"
- Previous message in Thread: Dean Hamack: "Re: Optimum position of asterixes on web forms"
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