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Email and Calendar access from your phone
From: AudioPoint Staff
Date: Nov 2, 2008 5:30PM
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Hello All:
I'm writing to tell you about a new technology that is quickly evolving
that helps individuals easily and accessibly access email, calendar,
alerts and other important information. I ask that you please take the
time to add us as a new resource on your website, link to our website or
please feel free to forward this email on to any users or listservs you
may have and most importantly try it out so you can see just how
beneficial it is to be able to access your email and calendar via your
I work for a company, AudioPoint, and we have a product known as the Voice
Terminal System (VTS). We have a product that I believe would be a
tremendous asset to individuals with or without disabilities but
specifically those who are blind, low vision, limited mobility or
cognitive disabilities that react better to verbal content rather than
written and individuals who are extremely busy, usually traveling and find
it difficult to get caught up on email.
VTS is an "application free" technology that allows full access to email,
calendar and alerts via the use of a phone. An individual can sign up for
the service using their work, home or cell number and can call from any
phone via the toll free number. This allows them to enter their personal
pin number that will give them access to a variety of things including
email. All this is done by voice recognition and does not require
internet access or the use of a screen reader. The email can still be
left on the original server for access at a later time, email can be
forwarded, replied, deleted, etc.
I would love the opportunity to speak with you further if you would like.
If you would like further information you can view our website:
http://www.voiceterminal.net/ there you can also sign up to try a demo of
our product. It allows you to have full access of the product for 30 days
and on the 31st day your credit card will be charged if the service is not
canceled. Why do we require a credit card if it is only a demo you may
ask. Well it is very simple actually, since we are working with
individual email that is very personal and sensitive to each unique party
we ask for something to tie that person to the account. You also add a
phone number, whether it be work, cell or home and create a pin to access
your account. Remember, nothing is charged unless the service is not
canceled after the 30 days, but why cancel such a great service.
Imagine traveling without a laptop, screen reader, searching for internet
access or not able to answer emails due to having to drive or travel on a
long business trip - so much time could be saved, so what are you waiting
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Brian L. Lichorowic
4709 Montgomery Lane
Lower Level
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 703-304-9928
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