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Re: Which of these is better for screenreaders?


From: Dean Hamack
Date: Jan 7, 2009 5:50PM

Thanks Dave. I think a lot of us sighted web developers make incorrect
assumptions about what is best for blind users. For example, I have always
put the navigation links before the content in my pages. But it makes sense
that the content should come first, since it's the most important thing.
It's probably also better from a search engine standpoint.

In other news: after searching everywhere for a stylesheet switcher that was
accessible and worked without javascript without any success, I finally have
one built that works great. Anyone who is interested can check it out here:


On 1/7/09 1:11 PM, "David Andrews" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> For what is is worth, I like the second one better. There is more
> navigation, and you get to the meat quicker. I am blind, and a
> screen reader user.
> Dave