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Re: rule 12.4 failure - how do identify the <object> tag?
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Jan 14, 2009 4:10PM
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- Previous message in Thread: Angela French: "rule 12.4 failure - how do identify the
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Angela French wrote:
> I am getting this error in Cynthia says:
> Rule: 12.4.4 - Identify all OBJECT elements, within a FORM element, that do not have an explicit LABEL association.
> * Failure - OBJECT Element at Line: 399, Column: 3 in FORM Element at Line: 50, Column: 1
> It is referring to the flash <object> on the page. I don't understand what the issue is and how to fix it. Any advice appreciated.
Use SWFObject to add your Flash movies. That way you even test if the
browser is capable before applying it:
- Next message: John Foliot: "Re: A larger discussion (was RE: Inline Images and ALT text)"
- Previous message: Angela French: "rule 12.4 failure - how do identify the
- Next message in Thread: Sofia Celic: "Re: rule 12.4 failure - how do identify the
- Previous message in Thread: Angela French: "rule 12.4 failure - how do identify the
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