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Re: AA? standard


From: Karlen Communications
Date: Feb 3, 2009 7:50AM

This is a strong usability issue for me.

I use a screen reader and when doing training on accessible and usable
documents in general advocate for not using preface phrases such as click
here or select this link to go...in the actual link text. It can be used in
surrounding text, but not in the link text itself.

If I get a list of links and EVERY one of them starts with click here to
...I can't use first character navigation to quickly find the link I want. I
am forced to listen to all the links until I find the one I want. This
wastes time and is quite frustrating.

BTW I also "strongly dislike" the " more" "read more" and "more
information." More what? More information on what?

I don't have time to read the entire web page to look at the surrounding
text...I consistently use a list of headings, list of links, list of form
controls and the Find tool to quickly find the information I need.

It is the same as having PDF or Word after a topic to denote the document
format. I get a list of links that simply say "PDF, Word, PDF, Word, PDF,
Word" with no context. Again this is frustrating.

I realize that this is more a usability issue but as a person using a screen
reader, I don't like being forced to waste time reading entire web pages or
documents when I should be able to quickly find what I want...or find that
it is not on the current web page and move to another one.

I know this is not in any of the standards or guidelines and is only my 2
cents CAD. :-)

Cheers, Karen