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Re: I am looking to purchase form code that has spam block andis accessible.


From: Peter Krantz
Date: Feb 6, 2009 9:00AM


Some people consider math questions a problem for users with cognitive
disabilities. I always try to solve the problem on the server side
before implementing captchas on the user side. A little more for one
person (the developer) removes a lot of work for many people (users).

Recently I implemented a website where users could create comments in
a web framework called Django. When a user creates a comment (no
captcha) the comment is sent to the Akismet service
(http://akismet.com/). Depending on the reply from Akismet the comment
is presented on the website. So far Akismet has stopped a lot of drive
by spam and I have had no mistakenly flagged comments.

Akismet has code examples for many programming languages.

Kind regards,

Peter Krantz

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 16:39, Seth Kane < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> I am sure there are a ton of captcha out there that are accessible but a
> way that I have done it is with a simple math question.
> Example: In the Label you would put: Please enter in the value for the
> math problem 1 + 1 > This way people without disabilities know what to do as well as people
> with disabilities.
> Seth Kane Sr. Presentation Layer Developer Office +1 (312) 696-5027
> Fax +1 (312) 616-5001