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Re: Accessible accordion menus
From: Ritz, Courtney L. (GSFC-7500)
Date: Mar 6, 2009 11:50AM
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Hi again,
Thanks for the examples, and I'm sorry to have stirred up something here. (grin)
I think the reason the developer went with this accordion menu was because the customer (my organization) wanted a less cluttered page. So the extra info wouldn't be displayed until one of the main menu items was selected. But I would think that there are so many other simpler ways of achieving this. I'd almost rather see a separate HTML page for each section than a huge script-heavy page that expands all its menus on that same page.. That's just my opinion as a user, but I may well be behind the times on that.
- Next message: Rich Pedley: "access keys (again)"
- Previous message: Randi: "Re: Accessibility of this demo link below"
- Next message in Thread: John Foliot: "Re: Accessible accordion menus"
- Previous message in Thread: Despain, Dallas: "Re: Accessible accordion menus"
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