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Re: Thoughts towards an accessible <canvas>
From: Simius Puer
Date: Mar 18, 2009 8:00AM
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Hi Jon
Extensions do exist for many browsers. The most thorough one that I could
not live without is the web developer toolbar for Firefox [
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/60]. Something similar
exists for Opera [http://operawiki.info/WebDevToolbar] but I've not tried
that yet.
You can do stuff like:
- disable cache/Java/JavaScript/Cookies etc
- disable styles at embedded/inline/external/all level
- disable images/show alt tags
- display abbreviations/accesskeys/title attributes
...this is only a fraction of what it will help you do.
Not sure why you would want to remove tables used for layout as that might
give you a false impression of how assistive technologies would deal with
the page. Best to use the actual AT software to test for that. Advice
regarding such tables would be to remove them anyway.
Hope that helps
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