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Re: JAWS 10 and Hidden Text
From: Randi
Date: Mar 23, 2009 4:10PM
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Interesting. So Voiceover passed the test. I'm enjoying seeing that
Voiceover so far matches Jaws. Why would you want content to be
hidden? Is it like a security thing, where things are hidden, but that
Jaws was reading?
On 3/23/09, Terrill Thompson < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi Randi,
> You're correct - I expected Test 1 (using visibility:hidden) and Test 2
> (using display:none) to both be hidden visibly, as well as hidden to screen
> reader users. Test 3 is hidden by positioning text off screen, which has
> become a widely accepted means of hiding content visibly that you want
> screen readers to read.
> My initial concern when I saw the JAWS "bug fix" was that they might have
> "fixed" the off-screen positioning solution. Fortunately that's not the
> case.
> Jared correctly pointed out that the JAWS fix applies to a bug documented in
> a Juicy Studio article, where JAWS was erroneously reading content hidden
> using display:none, but only under certain very specific circumstances (only
> on span elements nested within anchor tags).
> Terry
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