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Re: Showing / Hiding a Layer
From: Angela Colter
Date: Apr 2, 2009 7:15AM
- Next message: Travis Roth: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
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- Next message in Thread: Dean Hamack: "Re: Showing / Hiding a Layer"
- Previous message in Thread: David Ashleydale: "Re: Showing / Hiding a Layer"
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I think http://dtvanswers.com/dtv_what.html is a nice example.
Uses javascript to hide the answers. If you don't have javascript (or CSS)
enabled the answer is automatically displayed.
Works nicely for Lynx and (I think) screen readers.
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 2:17 PM, David Ashleydale < <EMAIL REMOVED> >wrote:
> Have any of you come across a good, accessible example of hiding and
> showing
> a layer on a web page?
> I'm trying to implement this type of behavior: a link that a user can hover
> their mouse over or click to show a layer on top of the page that displays
> info about the link. For example, the text of a link says "amortization".
> If
> a user wants to get a definition of the word "amortization", they can hover
> their mouse over it or click on it. When they do so, a box appears near the
> link that says, "The process of paying off a debt, together with interest,
> usually with equal payments at regular intervals over a period of time."
> The box goes away when the user uses their mouse to move the cursor off the
> link, or when they click a "close" link inside the box.
> Has anyone managed to do this in an accessible way?
> Thanks,
> David Ashleydale
- Next message: Travis Roth: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
- Previous message: Randi: "Re: Alternatives for the CAPTCHA"
- Next message in Thread: Dean Hamack: "Re: Showing / Hiding a Layer"
- Previous message in Thread: David Ashleydale: "Re: Showing / Hiding a Layer"
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