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Re: Navigation in HTML forms
From: Randall Pope
Date: Apr 22, 2009 7:10AM
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- Next message in Thread: Christophe Strobbe: "Re: Navigation in HTML forms"
- Previous message in Thread: Priti Rohra: "Re: Navigation in HTML forms"
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Hi Dave and Randi,
In a survey, would it be wise to leave the heading in as an option for the
screen readers?
With Warm Regards,
Randall "Randy" Pope
American Association of the Deaf-Blind
Website: http://www.aadb.org
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- Next message: Janet Sylvia: "Flash Player vs. NCAM/CCPlayer"
- Previous message: Tim Harshbarger: "Re: accessible table sorting"
- Next message in Thread: Christophe Strobbe: "Re: Navigation in HTML forms"
- Previous message in Thread: Priti Rohra: "Re: Navigation in HTML forms"
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