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Re: Navigation in HTML forms
From: Tim Harshbarger
Date: Apr 29, 2009 6:35AM
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Just as a suggestion, for these types of questions, it might be better
to ask people using screen readers questions like "If you want to review
all the questions in a survey, how might you move from question to
question?" or "If you were on question #8, but wanted to look again at
question #2, what would be the easiest way for you to be able to read
that question again?"
Those types of questions are more likely to cause the person answering
them to have to reflect on how they have done that type of task before
or how they might expect to perform that kind of task. Additionally, it
does not provide them with a ready made answer to say "yes" or "no" to,
so they have to provide you with their own answer. That may give you a
better idea of what the end user expects which may give you an idea on
what the best practice might be.
- Next message: Moore,Michael: "Re: Is email accessible?"
- Previous message: d.lin@icitst.org: "ICITST-2009: Final Call for Extended Abstracts and Workshop Proposals."
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- Previous message in Thread: David Andrews: "Re: Navigation in HTML forms"
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