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Texas Healthcare Workers Wanted for Study Participation
From: John Middleton
Date: May 11, 2009 1:15PM
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Read this online <http://www.sedl.org/new/pressrelease/20090421_172.html>
Do you work in health care in Texas and have a colleague or supervise
someone who has a disability? Or, are you a person with a disability who
works in health care in Texas?
If so, researchers from SEDL
<http://www.sedl.org/expertise/disability_research.html> would like to
interview you about your work experiences.
The definition of disability is very broad. It includes those who
currently have substantially limiting impairments or had them in the
past. By 'disability' we mean any kind of physical or mental impairment
you currently have or had in the past that lasted more than 6 months and
that limits or limited a major life activity. An impairment could be any
number of conditions or diseases, including arthritis, diabetes, back
injury, heart disease, emotional illness, or a learning disability. It
would also include those who have a history of cancer or drug or alcohol
addiction or any other impairment. Major life activities include, but
are not limited to performing manual tasks, eating, sleeping, walking,
standing, lifting, bending, concentrating, thinking, or communicating. A
major life activity could also be the operation of a bodily function
which includes bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory,
endocrine, and reproductive functions.
We will give you a gift card of $25 as a thank you.
You can participate in this study if you work with someone, or you
yourself have or have had a back injury, depression or a history of
cancer or past addiction to drugs or alcohol---any health condition or
impairment that currently does or in the past made it a lot harder for
you (or your co-worker) than for the average person to walk, lift, sit,
stand, read, concentrate, learn, see, hear, speak, bathe or engage in
other major life activities.
Focusing on those who work in hospitals, medical and dental labs, and
nursing homes, the goal is to conduct one-on-one interviews, either
face-to-face or by telephone, with individuals with disabilities, and
with people who manage or supervise people with disabilities.
Please e-mail dbtac(AT)sedl.org or call 1-800-476-6861 and ask for
Kathleen Murphy to make arrangements. The research protocol has been
reviewed by the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects of the
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (HSC-MH-08-0373).
The Southwest ADA Center is part of TIRR Memorial Hermann's ILRU
(Independent Living Research Utilization) program. You can check out all
their activities at www.dlrp.org if you want more information about the
ADA Center, ILRU or TIRR Memorial Hermann. The DBTAC is working with
SEDL, a non-profit educational research organization in Austin. A
summary of the projects SEDL is doing with the Southwest ADA Center is
at http://www.sedl.org/DBTAC.html
- Next message: Paul Collins: "WCAG 2 and Javascript"
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