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DeckTalk Express
From: D Hubbard
Date: May 16, 2009 5:00AM
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Good Morning All,
I recently purchased software made in Holland to record things like radio shows fromn the net etc. I didn't think about this at the time but of course with me using JAWS and that's obviously audio as well, if I'm trying to create a playlist to record say from my Myspace page, I have to turn off my speech. I had, at one time, back in the Windows '98 days, DeckTalk Express External which was great because the speech was separate making it easier to listen to both music and speech and it now wouldn't pick up on the recording. All this to ask if anyone knows who makes DeckTalk and if I can update to use with Windows XP. Thanks as I'm sure someone will know.
- Next message: J. B-Vincent: "Re: DeckTalk Express"
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