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Structure of accessibility guidelines (fwd)
From: rbaguma
Date: Jun 1, 2009 7:25AM
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My name is Rehema Baguma, a PhD student at Makerere University. My research
focus is how to address both technical and human aspects of accessibility
during Web development.
Sometime back we carried out a survey on how developers use WCAG guidelines.
The results revealed that most developers find the structure of WCAG
guidelines (both versions) difficult to use to find required advice. We are
proposing an approach for organizing and presenting accessibility guidelines
according to contexts of use e.g. role (developer/Manager), type of
disability e.t.c.
please spare 10-15 minutes and participate in our testing of the proposed
design versus the WCAG design using the attached short questionnaire. We
would appreciate your feedback by end of Friday, 5th June 2009.
Thank you and Kind Regards, Rehema Baguma.
N.B. Please send your feedback to both
- Next message: Peter Weil: "Re: drop down menus"
- Previous message: Gary Williamson: "Re: drop down menus"
- Next message in Thread: rbaguma@cit.mak.ac.ug: "Structure of accessibility guidelines-send mail"
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