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Re: Forms, fieldset


From: Kevin White
Date: Jun 12, 2009 2:00AM


You might also want to consider changing the <h4> elements to be
<legend>s, e.g. 'Library Instruction Session Information'. Perhaps as
well having something other than just <strong> elements to indicate
required fields.

Not sure if there has been discussion regarding date entry but you
might want to consider something like:

<legend>Library Instruction Session Information</legend>
<p>Please select a time for your library instruction session</p>

<legend>First choice of session time</legend>
<label for="first-date">Date (DD-MM-YYYY)</label>
<input id="first-date" name="first-date" type="text" />
<label for="first-time">Time (HH:MM)</label>
<input id="first-time" name="first-time" type="text" />


I was curious about the need for an end time. Would users know that
they need more than 50 mins? Or would this time include the special
areas of emphasis only. If so, is there a need for users to work out
how much time they need or would you be as well simplifying the form
and having the system work out what they end-time is based on their
choices. From an accessibility perspective this solution makes a wee
bit more sense as users have to fill in the end-time before they
select the special areas of emphasis, so they may not be aware of the
time requirements when they fill in the end-time.

Just some thoughts,


On 12 Jun 2009, at 06:48, Ranti Junus wrote:

> I guess I was under a mistaken impression that nested fieldset was
> not valid.
> I think working on that form would be easier than I anticipated. I'll
> see what we can do to tackle this one.
> Thank you so much for your help!
> ranti.
> --
> Bulk mail. Postage paid.