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Re: page should contain no more than two h1 elements
From: Dean Hamack
Date: Jun 15, 2009 11:40AM
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- Previous message in Thread: M Akram Danish: "page should contain no more than two h1 elements"
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I never use more than one h1.
The h1 tag is supposed to be the most important tag on the page, and it
should describe what the rest of the content is about. In most cases, this
is the page title, like "Contact Information"
Then under that h1 you might have additional sub-headings like "E-Mail
Directory", or "Customer Service".
I can't think of any situation that would require more than one h1.
On 6/15/09 10:33 AM, "M Akram Danish" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> can anyone explain this
> The page should contain no more than two h1 elements.Warn: 18 h1 elements were
> found.
> The text content of each h1 element should match all or part of the title
> content.Warn: 18 h1 elements do not meet the criteria.
> h1 is level 1 heading if we have sub heading then we will use h2 but if
> we have many main heading then what should we do if we cannot use more
> than 2 h1?
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