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From: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
Date: Jun 16, 2009 12:40AM
- Next message: M Akram Danish: "Re: page should contain no more than two h1 elements"
- Previous message: Korpela Jukka: "Re: page should contain no more than two h1 elements"
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- Previous message in Thread: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis: "Re: Wrapping form elements in their explicit labels"
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On 15/6/09 20:16, Jared Smith wrote:
> Neither HTML nor WCAG prohibit empty headings (headings that contain
> no text)
Hmm. Not sure about that. Granted HTML 4.01 does not contain a direct
prohibition, but it does say "A heading element briefly describes the
topic of the section it introduces."
It seems to me an empty string isn't a "heading" and can't describe the
topic of section it introduces.
So I'd say "<h1></h1>" would be a valid, but not a conforming use.
(I don't think it's possible to enforce this conformance requirement
with a DTD and so make it a matter of validity. You probably could with
another schema language like Relax NG.)
Similarly, WCAG 2.0 says: "2.4.6 Headings and Labels: Headings and
labels describe topic or purpose. (Level AA)"
Again, an empty string doesn't describe topic or purpose, so I think it
fails that guideline, much as "Click here" fails the "Link Purpose"
Interestingly, the current draft of HTML5 explicitly makes
non-whitespace text content descendants of heading elements a SHOULD
Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
- Next message: M Akram Danish: "Re: page should contain no more than two h1 elements"
- Previous message: Korpela Jukka: "Re: page should contain no more than two h1 elements"
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- Previous message in Thread: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis: "Re: Wrapping form elements in their explicit labels"
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