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Re: Forms, fieldset


From: Ranti Junus
Date: Jun 16, 2009 6:05AM

Hello All,

Thank you again for the help and suggestions.

Tips from Caleb on how a screen reader (in this case, JAWS) would read
fieldset is very helpful. Thanks! This also makes me wonder if there's
a "what a screen reader would do" cheat sheet somewhere that shows
similar information for different parts of a web page.

Kevin also points out about using legend properly instead of h4, and
the bolded required information could be changed into something more
useful for screen reader users. More over, the form could be made
simpler with clearer instruction.

I believe the 50 minutes time that Kevin inquired is due to how long a
typical 1-hour course class. The instructors tend to use their own
class schedule for the library instruction. Upon looking into it
again, the logic of the form seems not really intuitive, indeed. I'll
communicate this to the designer. Thanks for pointing it out.

Thanks again. I'll see what I can do on this particular form.


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