E-mail List Archives
Re: anyone else attending Accessing the Future?
From: Jake Joehl
Date: Jul 19, 2009 2:20PM
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Hi all. I'm a new member on this list and would like to introduce myself. My
name is Jake and I live in Illinois. I most probably won't be attending
Accessing the Future, but the reason I joined this list is to get more
information on section 508 compatibility. I'm part of a team designing a
website primarily geared toward the disability community at large. The
website is http://www.jjslist.com . Speaking of JJ's List, I'm wondering if
I can get help from any list member with a slight problem. There is a video
on our homepage which used to just play once people launched the site.
However, in discussions with our team leader it was noted that a few of our
visitors found this behavior somewhat annoying. So there is now a button on
the homepage which launches the video. The video plays just fine on
computers without a screen reader. I have proof of this fact because I was
present when it was launched on a few other computers. But the video does
not play on my computer or a sister's computer. I am running System Access
to Go and she JAWS for Windows version 9. I had a sighted colleague take a
look this morning, and he was able to click the button just fine which leads
him to believe that it's not a problem with the website itself. But for some
reason it isn't being detected by either screen reader. Any help greatly
appreciated. Thanks. Sorry for the somewhat long-winded post.
Please visit me at http://jajoehl74.klango.net .
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jennison Mark Asuncion" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 9:46 PM
Subject: [WebAIM] anyone else attending Accessing the Future?
> Hi there,
> Just curious who else will be attending Accessing the Future
> http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/accessingthefuture/
> If you can't attend, but find the themes interesting, I (and hopefully
> scores of others) will be tweeting from the conference using the hashtag
> #atf09.
> Jennison
> Jennison Mark Asuncion
> Co-Director, Adaptech Research Network www.adaptech.org
> LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/jennison
- Next message: paula.tucker@tap.gallaudet.edu: "Re: anyone else attending Accessing the Future?"
- Previous message: Conyers, Dwayne: "Re: anyone else attending Accessing the Future?"
- Next message in Thread: paula.tucker@tap.gallaudet.edu: "Re: anyone else attending Accessing the Future?"
- Previous message in Thread: Conyers, Dwayne: "Re: anyone else attending Accessing the Future?"
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