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Re: Title attributes on images and links
From: Simius Puer
Date: Aug 5, 2009 12:20PM
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Ah, damn...I really didn't mean to kick this old debate off again!
In fact, that is the only way to open new windows and still have your
> site validate as XHTML strict. In their infinite wisdom, the w3c decided to
> deprecate the target attribute and force developers to use javascript to do
> this very simple task.
- nope. The W3C depreciated it as it was in conflict with the goals of good
XHTML. Just as <bold> and <i> were depreciated because they were "style"
not "structure, the target= was depreciated because you should
*not*interfere with the users browser...if they want to open it in a
new link
they can!
as for 'forcing' developers to use JavaScript...finding away around a
restriction that is there for good reason is the developers fault and was
not the intention of the W3C.
Suggested reading for anyone still using any method of opening new
The argument about "not wanting a user to leave my site" holds no water
what-so-ever. It is as difficult to close a new window as it is to hit the
back button. If there is no back button though...because you have opened a
new window...then you have broken a simple function of the browser that is
pretty core to accessibility.
Somehow this argument always seems to focus back on (baseless) business
reasons for opening new windows and ignores simple rules of good design and
accessibility (which indirectly impact on your business negatively as a
There are other ways to achieve what you want to do without forcing the
users browser to behave how *you *want it to!
Final part of my rant...go read #1 and #2 of
http://www.useit.com/alertbox/990530.html ...written years ago by Jakob
Neilsen and yet still argued over for all the wrong reasons.
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- Previous message in Thread: Dean Hamack: "Re: Title attributes on images and links"
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