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Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?
From: D A
Date: Aug 27, 2009 8:35AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Steven Henderson: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
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> I'm just curious as to why you're using an ordered list as opposed to an
> unordered list?
I think it came down to 'well, it's a form you fill out in order, so
ordered lists makes a tad more sense than unordered'.
I'm not married to the OL, though. Are there some good arguments for
making it a UL? Or maybe not a list at all? The primary purpose was to
create block level elements (LI) so we could format the items via CSS.
Going back to the legend vs. header issue, I haven't really found much
in the way of strong opinions either way.
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- Previous message: Steven Henderson: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
- Next message in Thread: Geof Collis: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
- Previous message in Thread: Steven Henderson: "Re: Alternatives to LEGEND for a radio button?"
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