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Re: Reading upper-level Unicode glyphs in PDF
From: Bevi Chagnon | PubCom
Date: Sep 8, 2009 8:20AM
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Elizabeth wrote:
> Welcome to my favorite black hole in the standards. For the record,
> the problem isn't Unicode, but lack of Unicode support on JAWS.
Thanks, Elizabeth. It's nice to know that I'm not crazy...well, at least not
on THIS issue!
FYI, Acrobat's read aloud feature doesn't read the characters either, not
just JAWS.
We're inserting the characters from InDesign's glyph panel, which lists them
by Unicode number, so I'm assuming that they are being inserted correctly
into the source InDesign document before being exported to PDF. Well, I hope
that's what is going on behind the scenes because InDesign doesn't give us
any other way to insert extended characters.
Since JAWS isn't reading the Unicode characters, do you have any suggested
workaround for those of us who must create documents with these extended
I'm stumped as to how to make these little dudes accessible.
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