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Re: Good page titles - friendly SEO
From: Geof Collis
Date: Oct 14, 2009 7:15AM
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Hi Steven
Perhaps it is the kind of searching I do, but I prefer that the title
and main content be at least similar to my search string. Lately I
have found too many websites burying the main content heading 5 or 6
deep, especially newspapers, I find this very annoying. It wouldn't
bother me if you put anything ahead of the main content, I dont
backgtrack unless I'm looking for something else regarding my search.
When I get to the page I start with my JAWS heading commands, if I
cant find it that way then I use the on screen find function, type in
some words that were relevant and go from there.
I prefer my pages to be set up with navigation ahead of the main
content rather than making it the first thing I encounter because
that is what I am used to, in designing and surfing.
At 08:47 AM 10/14/2009, you wrote:
>Hi Geof,
>When you say you 'like the title to match the content heading' do you
>actually find that to be the case of most websites? As I don't recall that
>to be the case and am presently of the opinion that would be duplicate
>content (in so far as sifting through all the other content on a given page,
>that also wants my attention).
>In your case, if I were to place the main heading (which is perhaps
>'similar' to the page title) at the top of the page, would it really be
>inconvenient that it differ from the title? And what if I place a few quick
>links above that too, one of which linked to the main content? In the case
>of a heading being identical to the page title, would you not prefer that
>there was no heading and could get straight to the main content directly
>(effectively treating the page title as your page heading)?
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