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Re: Good page titles - friendly SEO
From: Simius Puer
Date: Oct 14, 2009 2:10PM
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True enough if you only want to bookmark their homepage, but no so useful if
you have multiple bookmarks for a site as you see even less of the page
Besides, a good clear favicon <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon> (for
those who actually know how to use them...still amazed at the number of
designers that don't) is normally more than sufficient as a domain level
identifier - certainly better than text (although the text is still useful
for bookmark searches) for sighted users.
- Next message: Jennison Mark Asuncion: "deadline extended for CSUN call for Papers"
- Previous message: Keith Parks: "Re: Good page titles - friendly SEO"
- Next message in Thread: Steven Henderson: "Re: Good page titles - friendly SEO"
- Previous message in Thread: Keith Parks: "Re: Good page titles - friendly SEO"
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