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Re: Popup windows and JAWS
From: James Leslie
Date: Oct 28, 2009 5:45AM
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Thanks for the link, it's interesting. Without wanting to sidetrack the
topic too much, I have had a live site for 4 years with a mailto link
that has only received 2 pieces of spam in that time... both from the
same company.
I definitely agree about the default mail client aspect though.
Unfortunately the web being such a young medium means there is no
perfect answer to most of these solutions. Nearly every site I make uses
contact forms instead of mailto links but they suffer from spam through
the form, the only solution we currently have to this is a CAPTCHA,
which have numerous problems of their own, so haven't been implemented.
- Next message: ckrugman@sbcglobal.net: "Re: Popup windows and JAWS"
- Previous message: Steven Henderson: "Re: Popup windows and JAWS"
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- Previous message in Thread: Steven Henderson: "Re: Popup windows and JAWS"
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