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Re: INFO: broadcast on Open Government


From: Al Sparber
Date: Nov 10, 2009 2:40PM

From: "Bevi Chagnon | PubCom" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >

> Today our local Washington-DC NPR radio station had a one-hour show on
> Open
> Government, including PDFs, Flash, HTML, documents and accessibility.
> Guest
> speakers were from Adobe and the Sunlight Foundation.

Fascinating. The article led me here:

I happened to be in a 64-bit browser so, of course, there was no Flash
support. I got a blank screen except for a "this page requires Flash"
button - which was useless for me. So I view the source code and there is a
text-based version of the page - except that it's set to display: none.

So, I turn off CSS in my browser and there is the info.

This (Adobe) is in a leadership role in discussions with *my* government?
God help us.

Al Sparber - PVII
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