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Re: Complex use of Radio input
From: ben morrison
Date: Nov 24, 2009 10:00AM
- Next message: Jon Gunderson: "Re: Complex use of Radio input"
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Personally I would have preferred to use a fieldset with a legend for
each of those groups, making the long label unnecessary, maybe select
boxes would be more usable too for the 1-9 choices...
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Jon Gunderson < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> We discussed the labels in our weekly best practices group and the long labels and the ordering of information was considered important.
> The newest information is first part of the label, so that people using speech get the most different information first.
> We considered short labels for the 2-8 radio buttons, but once a button is selected and someone moves back to the radio group they would not have all of the question information since the selected radio button is the one with focus, forcing screen reader users to navigate to the first or last radio button to get question information.
> It is important to remember that filling out surveys is something that people do rarely, so more information seemed better than less. if this was a task people did everyday, then there probably would have been other design decisions.
> Jon
> ---- Original message ----
>>Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 15:21:12 +0000
>>From: ben morrison < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
>>Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Complex use of Radio input
>>To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
>>On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 10:42 PM, Keith Parks < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>>>> Here is an example of complex form accessibility using offscreen
>>>> labels:
>>>> http://html.cita.illinois.edu/nav/form/complex/index.php?example=2
>>> Sorry to reply to this rather late, but have you taken a look at that
>>> page with CSS off? =:^o
>>> Wow, what a nightmare. While technically it may meet the forms-
>>> accessibility guidelines (everything having a Label), it's hard to
>>> imagine it being *usable* by either a screen-reader user, or a user
>>> who replaced the default style sheet with their own for visual reasons.
>>> So it seems like on the practical side it would fail 508 (d).
>>Also that is a lot of potentially annoying long labels for a screen
>>reader - looks like overkill to me...
>>what has the feedback been?
>>Ben Morrison
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- Previous message in Thread: Randall Pope: "Re: Complex use of Radio input"
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